Who would have thought that there once was a Tram that glided down the slope of Land's End near Ocean Beach in San Francisco? Not Moss. Moss is somewhat of an amateur SF Bay Area historian, but the Tram was something new Moss learned. Thanks in part to the one-third gift shop, one-third museum and one-third cafe that now sits atop the Land's End parking lot off Point Lobos street in SF, overlooking the ruins of Sutro Baths. SF Recs and Park did a good job with the new museum, gift shop, cafe thingie, even though the new bathrooms are pretty small for all the new crowds and the cafe is overpriced (to be expected). The artifacts and displays inside are interesting, though not surprisingly they have crammed a bunch of "merchandise" in and around the displays. Novely items??... I guess this is okay since Sutro Baths had an "oddities" museum and was near Playland-by-the-Beach, so kinda cool to see. Check it out when you are next on the west coast.
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